every thing about Dogs

General Knowledge
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2 minute read

every thing about Dogs 

Dogs are usually described fulfill animal .
Dogs perform many roles for people, such as hunting, herding,pulling loads, protection, assisting police and military, companionship, and, more recently, aiding handicapped individuals. This impact on human society has given them the nickname "Man's Best Friend" in the Western world.

dogs Reproduction
In domestic dogs, sexual maturity begins to happen around age six to twelve months for both males and females, although this can be delayed until up to two years old for some large breeds. This is the time at which female dogs will have their first estrous cycle. They will experience subsequent estrous cycles biannually, during which the body prepares for pregnancy. At the peak of the cycle, females will come into estrus, being mentally and physically receptive to copulation. Because the ova survive and are capable of being fertilized for a week after ovulation, it is possible for a female to mate with more than one male.
Dogs bear their litters roughly 56 to 72 days after fertilization, with an average of 63 days, although the length of gestation can vary. An average litter consists of about six puppies

Dogs breeds 

Dogs breeds

Dogs breeds

Dogs breeds

there are a lot of sites that shoe every thing about dogs breeds or dogs kinds .... Here some of the most popular of this sites 

show a short info about alot and alot of dogs breeds 
all dogs breeds
and this is a list of dogs breeds good with kids

this site is characterized by its good interface and good designs it is very Organizer and it is very easy to search on it and easy to get what you want from it
it is very easy to navigate it is fast and simple

lists of dogs names
2- http://www.momswhothink.com/dogs-names/dogs-names.html

dogs for sale
1- http://www.dogsnow.com/
a large free ads for dogs for sale ... it is easy to navigate , browse and choose your dog to sale
huge offers to choose among them
2- http://www.dogs4sale.com.au
good site but have a weak design I think it is not easy to navigate it
very good and simple site but I think it has not a lot of offers
4- http://www.epupz.co.uk
very good site free ads of dogs for sale in UK

Dogs beds
dogs beds
dogs beds

1- http://www.overstock.com/Pet-Supplies/Pet-Beds/323/dept.html
it is a large list of many kinds of dogs beds and dogs sofa for sale
2- http://www.petsmart.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=2767065
this site has a very Distinct and unique types of dogs beds for sale ... I think you will be able to choose what you want from it

dog coats
dogs coats

very cute shapes and kinds for dogs coats
another site tat sale dogs coats
amazon products

dogs toys
dogs toys

1- http://www.dogtoys.com/
a very good site has a variety kinds of dogs toys easy to browse
2- http://www.petsathome.com/shop/dog/dog-toys/
another site for buy dogs toys