information about penguins

General Knowledge
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1 minute read

Penguins are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica.there are about 17 type of penguins .

Here arre some pictures for types of penguins

types of penguins
types of penguins

types of penguins
types of penguins

some other pictures for types of penguins to be able to recognize it easily .
types of penguins
types of penguins

types of penguins
types of penguins

types of penguins
types of penguins
types of penguins as size and tall
size and tall of some types of penguins
size and tall of some types of penguins

size and tall of some types of penguins
size and tall of some types of penguins

some pictures for information and penguins facts

penguins facts
penguins facts

penguins facts
penguins facts

penguins facts
penguins facts

penguins pictures for some types of penguins

1- african penguin
African penguin
African penguin
2- Gentoo penguin
Gentoo penguin
Gentoo penguin
3- Macaroni penguin
Macaroni penguin
Macaroni penguin
4- royal penguin
royal penguin
royal penguin

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